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October 2024

This Month's Theme:  Supernatural God

  • Let's Celebrate Random Acts of Kindness

    September Daily Bible Readings for Sunday School

    September 1, 2024 - Identity M-Genesis 1-3; Psalm 1 T-Genesis 4-7; Psalm 2:1-6 W-Genesis 8-11; Psalm 2:7-12 Th -Genesis 12 -15; Psalm 3:1 - 6 F -Genesis 16 -18; Psalm 3:7 - 8 Sa -Genesis19 -21; Psalm 4:1 - 5 Su -Genesis 22 -24; Psalm 4:6 – 8

    September 8, 2024 - Obedience M-Genesis 25-26; Psalm 5:1-7 T-Genesis 27-29; Psalm 5:5-12 W-Genesis 30-31; Psalm 6:1-5 Th -Genesis 32 -34; Psalm 6:6 -10 F -Genesis 35 -37; Psalm 7:1 - 5 Sa -Genesis 38 -40; Psalm 7:6 -13 Su -Genesis 41 -42; Psalm 7:14 -17

    September 15, 2024 - Forgiveness M-Genesis 43-45; Psalm 8 T-Genesis 46-47; Psalm 9:1-6 W-Genesis 48-50; Psalm 9:7-12 Th -Exodus 1 -3; Psalm 9:13 -20 F -Exodus 4 -6; Psalm 10:1 - 6 Sa -Exodus 7 -9; Psalm 10:7 -11 Su -Exodus 10 -12; Psalm 10:12 -18

    September 22, 2024 – Devotion M-Exodus 13-15; Psalm 11 T-Exodus 16-18; Psalm 12:1-3 W-Exodus 19-21; Psalm 12:4-8 Th -Exodus 22 -24; Psalm 13 F -Exodus 25 -26; Psalm 14 Sa -Exodus 27 -29; Psalm 15 Su -Exodus 30 -31; Psalm 16

    September 29, 2024 - Values M-Exodus 32-34; Psalm 17 T-Exodus 35-37; Psalm 18:1- 5 W -Exodus 38 -40; Psalm 18:6 -13 Th -Leviticus 1 -4; Psalm 18:14 -19 Fr -Leviticus 5 -7; Psalm 18:20 -29 S s -Leviticus 8 -10; Psalm 18:30 -39 Su -Leviticus 11 -13; Psalm 18:40 -50 September 2024 September Announcements & Dates to Remember Grandparents Day is September


    October's Announcements & Dates to Remember

    Grandparents Day is September 8, 2024

    Pastor’s Anniversary Service September 15, 2024 at 3:30pm. We will also

    be celebrating in Revival Thursday, September 12, and Friday, September

    13 at 7:00pm.

    Sunday School Promotion, will be Sunday, September 22, 2024 for our

    Sunday School youth during the Sunday School hour.

    If you would like to be a part of the Missionary Ministry come out to our

    meetings every 4th Saturday @ 10:00 am.

    Honoring New Life’s Military members past and present, if you haven’t turned

    in your form listing your name and branch of service please do by September

    22, 2024. See Sis Roper or Sis Randolph.

    September Birthdays

    Alvin Bowers – September 6

    Amber Murray Brady – September 18

    Marqarette Buckley – September 16

    Gloria Shaw– September 6

    Deacon Greg Jones – September 9

    Brandy Murray – September 13

    Kristen Nekhole Darjean – September 17

    Romana Pritchett – September 3

    Bryan Shelton – September 18

    Jamaya Oliver – September 24

    Willie Stephens – September 24

    Devonte Stewart – September 29

     A  Word from Pastor Garrett

    The Beginning of Wisdom The first seven verses of Proverbs are known as the preamble. In these seven verses, the goal of the book and encouragement to approach its contents with excitement is laid before us. Proverbs 1:1- 7, The proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel: 2 for gaining wisdom and instruction; for understanding words of insight; 3 for receiving instruction in prudent behavior, doing what is right and just and fair; 4 for giving prudence to those who are simple, knowledge and discretion to the young— 5 let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance— 6 for understanding proverbs and parables, the sayings and riddles of the wise. 7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs is a book of wisdom and the very beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord. Every Christian should memorize Proverbs 1:7, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” Someone may have two PhD’s and tenure at the most prestigious university in nation, but still not have knowledge. True knowledge only begins with the fear of the Lord. This is very important, because Proverbs primarily is not speaking about intellectual aptitude. Proverbs is focused on the direction of that aptitude. If someone does not have the fear of the Lord, then they do not have true knowledge. Someone may have a tremendous mind to understand the world, but will never use it as it was intended until they fear the Lord. The beginning of knowledge is to understand the awesome power of a holy and righteous God and that God’s hatred towards sin. The beginning of knowledge is to fear the Lord as our Judge. It is appointed for a man to die once and then face judgment. We all will be held accountable for our sin. So how can we be safe in the storm of God’s wrathful judgment? The answer is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ came to be our refuge in the storm by taking our judgment for us on the cross. Jesus has promised us protection from the storm. He died in our place and on the third day rose from the dead and ever lives to intercede for his people to protect us from the wrath to come. The fear of the Lord is “to turn to God from idols to serve the living and true God, and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come.” (1 Thess. 1:9b-10). So as we begin this adventure in our search for wisdom through the Proverbs, have you had your beginning with God? Do you fear the Lord? Have you turned from idols to serve the living and true God and wait for His Son to deliver from the wrath to come? Do you recognize the awful power of God, but stand safe in his arms protected from his ferocious power? If you do not fear the Lord, you will never gain true wisdom. I believe that everyone wants to be happy. Everyone does things because they believe those things will ultimately make them happy. My choices are dictated by my own understanding of happiness in that moment. I believe that you should pursue wisdom with all your strength, because I believe that God’s wisdom will ultimately make you the happiest. 

    Pastor Donald E. Garrett, Jr

    Contact us at:


    Church: (513)542-2798

    Pastor’s office: (513)542-0989

    To give online, please use the GIVELIFY app.


    Donald E. Garrett, Jr., Senior Pastor

    New Life Missionary Baptist Church, Cincinnati, OH 45224

    (513) 542-2798


    Pastor Donald E. Garrett, Jr.


     Dates to Keep 2024

    Dates to Keep 2024

    Church Business Meetings for year—2024

    January 22

    March 18

    June 17

    October 21

    December 2

    Church Dates for 2024

    Young Matron’s Annual Day—January 21

    February African Attire Month

    February African American Read-In

    February 10—Senior Breakfast

    February 11—Sunday School Family Day

    March 10—Missionary Annual Day

    Thursday, March 21st at 7pm—Christ Memorial Revival

    April 28—Church Anniversary

    May 26—Joint Worship Service on Lawn

    June--Graduates Reception

    June 23—Youth and Young Adult Day

    July—School Supply Give Away

    July 13—Christmas in July

    August—Community Wide Give Away

    September 15—Pastor’s Anniversary

    September 22—Promotion Sunday

    November 9—Veterans Breakfast

    November 10—Gospel Choir Annual Day

    November 23—Thanksgiving Luncheon

    December 8—Inspirational Choir Annual Day

    December 14—Senior Breakfast

    December 25—Joint Christmas service

    December 31—New Years Eve service—4-7pm




    “I was sick, and you visited me.” –Matthew 25:36

    Luther Black

    Etta Spencer

    Lou Mason Lily

    Murphy Lewis

    Colleen Butler

    Thomas Likely

    Janice Denise


    Minister. Odie Bowers

    George Laws

    Lonetta Dorsett

    Ann Buckner

    Bobbie Laws

    Anne Edwards

    Harold Abernathy

    Cora Norwood

    Monroe Nickles

    Barbara Graves

    Please pray for one another, as well as those that are


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