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June 2024

This Month's Theme:  Mental Health Awareness

  • Let's Celebrate Random Acts of Kindness

    June Daily Bible Readings for Sunday School

    June 2, 2024 – One in Jesus Christ

    M- Malachi 1-4

    T-Matthew 1-4

    W-Matthew 5-6

    Th-Matthew 7-8

    F-Matthew 9-10

    Sa-Matthew 11-12

    Sun-Matthew 13-14

    June 9, 2024 – Devote All to Christ

    M-Matthew 15-17

    T-Matthew 18-19

    W-Matthew 20-21

    Th-Matthew 22-23

    F-Matthew 24-25

    Sa-Matthew 26

    Sun-Matthew 27-28

    June 16, 2024 – Hearts United in Love

    M-Mark 1-3

    T-Mark 4-5

    W-Mark 6-7

    Th-Mark 8-9

    F-Mark 10-11

    Sa-Mark 12-13

    Sun-Mark 14

    June 23, 2024 – Visible to God

    M-Mark 15-16

    T-Luke 1

    W-Luke 2-3

    Th-Luke 4-5

    F-Luke 6-7

    Sa-Luke 8-9

    Sun-Luke 10-11

    June 30, 2024 – Remembering Jesus Christ

    M-Luke 12-13

    T-Luke 14-16

    W-Luke 17-18

    Th-Luke 19-20

    F-Luke 21-22

    Sa-Luke 23-24

    Su-John 1-2    


    June Information to remember…

    Communion Sunday today after worship service.

    New Life Missionary Baptist Church celebrates our Graduating Class of 2023-

    2024 High School and College Students – recognition on June 9th during

    morning worship service and refreshments after morning service please

    stop by and congratulate them.

    Father’s Day will be observed on June 16, 2024 this year. Please pray for all

    the Fathers of New Life and beyond.

    Juneteenth is observed on Wednesday, June 19, 2024 this year.

    Sunday School is looking for youth leaders/teachers and other volunteers

    for V.B.S. July 29th

    -August 1st. Please reach out to Sunday School

    Superintendent Minister Marvin Randolph

    Christmas in July Luncheon for our Senior Members will be July 13, 2024.

    Youth and Young Adult Day will be observed on Sunday, June 23, 2024.

    If there are any members who are turning 80 years old this year and you

    would like your name on the “80th Year Plaque” please give your name and

    birth date to one of the Ushers or Missionary Society.

    Missionary Fund--To support the Missionary Society, please place donations

    in the special envelope earmarked for mission. We appreciate your

    willingness to share your gift as God has blessed you. You can receive your

    envelope from the Ushers or pick them up in the lobby.

    New Life Missionary Society Community Giveaway August 17, 2024--We are

    asking for donations focusing on collecting toiletry items, new socks and

    new underwear, deodorant, toothpaste and brushes, mouth wash, body

    wash, soap, etc. A list of items needed will be posted in the church.

    Congratulations to all of our children who have graduated from Preschool,

    Elementary School, Middle School, and those who have moved on to the

    next level. Awesome Job!

    May Birthdays

    Ritchie A. Hall “Rah” – May 1

    Booker Jackson – May 5

    Andrew Jones – May 6

    Ella Laws – May 7

    Ryan Rice – May 7

    Mary Carr – May 9

    Patricia Bailey – May 11

    Lillie Williams – May 13

    Adrianna Graves – May 18

    W. Ann Edwards – May 27

    Ed Chapple – May 28

     A  Word from Pastor Garrett

    The Need for Men!

    Churches in America are needing more than just a few good men. Here are the statistics from

    God Facts:

    The typical U.S. Congregation draws an adult crowd that is 61% female, 39% male.

    On any given Sunday, there are thirteen million more adult women than men in America’s churches. Most church employees are women (except for ordained clergy, who

    are overwhelmingly male). As many as 90% of the boys being raised in church will abandon it by their 20th birthday. Many will never return. More than 90 percent of American men believe in God, and five out of six call themselves Christians. But only two out of six attend church

    on a given Sunday. The average person accepts the reality of Jesus Christ but fails to see any value in going to church. This gender gap is not just a U.S. phenomenon; churches around the world are short on men. No other major religion suffers such a large,

    chronic shortage of males. In the Islamic world men are publicly and unashamedly religious-often more so than women. Of the world’s great religions, only Christianity has a consistent, nagging shortage of

    male practitioners. 

    Jesus had no trouble captivating men. Fishermen

    dropped nets full of fish to follow Him, but today’s church is struggling to convince men to drop their TV remote controls for a

    couple of hours, put off hobbies and anything else for just a couple of hours a week.

    2 Timothy Chapter 2, Paul points out that Timothy—and, by extension, modern readers—need to carefully consider these ideas to

    fully understand his meaning. This is consistent with Paul's other instructions to study the Word of God, rather than merely reading with shallow or immature eyes. This is a call that we all should walk talk

    breath and live in PURPOSE. Men have a purpose and roll laid out in scripture and I wish the real men would please stand up and be


    Here, in chapter 2, Paul expands on these commands. Rather than giving minute details, Paul presents a series of examples and tells Timothy to consider them carefully. Paul's instructions here set the stage for the warnings coming up in the next chapter. Timothy—and

    all believers—need to be prepared and right-minded, because the world is going to become spiritually darker and darker.

    The Bible shows us the role of a man as one of leadership, responsibility, and selflessness. It guides men on how they should

    conduct themselves in various areas of life, including their relationships, families, and society as a whole. It is crucial to understand and adopt the biblical responsibilities of a man. If we

    stand and be counted as readers and studiers of the Holy scripture, we can become positive influencers, strong leaders, and pillars of support within our communities. We must understand the significance of your

    role within your home, church, and society at large. Will the real men please stand up.

    Contact us at:


    Church: (513)542-2798

    Pastor’s office: (513)542-0989

    To give online, please use the GIVELIFY app.


    Donald E. Garrett, Jr., Senior Pastor

    New Life Missionary Baptist Church, Cincinnati, OH 45224

    (513) 542-2798


    Pastor Donald E. Garrett, Jr.


     Dates to Keep 2024

    Dates to Keep 2024

    Church Business Meetings for year—2024

    January 22

    March 18

    June 17

    October 21

    December 2

    Church Dates for 2024

    Young Matron’s Annual Day—January 21

    February African Attire Month

    February African American Read-In

    February 10—Senior Breakfast

    February 11—Sunday School Family Day

    March 10—Missionary Annual Day

    Thursday, March 21st at 7pm—Christ Memorial Revival

    April 28—Church Anniversary

    May 26—Joint Worship Service on Lawn

    June--Graduates Reception

    June 23—Youth and Young Adult Day

    July—School Supply Give Away

    July 13—Christmas in July

    August—Community Wide Give Away

    September 15—Pastor’s Anniversary

    September 22—Promotion Sunday

    November 9—Veterans Breakfast

    November 10—Gospel Choir Annual Day

    November 23—Thanksgiving Luncheon

    December 8—Inspirational Choir Annual Day

    December 14—Senior Breakfast

    December 25—Joint Christmas service

    December 31—New Years Eve service—4-7pm




    “I was sick, and you visited me.” –Matthew 25:36

    Luther Black Etta Spencer

    Lou Mason Lily Murphy Lewis

    Colleen Butler Thomas Likely

    Janice Denise Chapple Minister Odie Bowers

    George Laws Lonetta Dorsett

    Ann Buckner Bobbie Laws

    Anne Edwards Harold Abernathy

    Cora Norwood Monroe Nickles

    Jayna Frazier Minister Sidney Frazier

    Barbara Graves

    Please pray for one another, as well as those that are


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