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March 2025

This Month's Theme:  Thankfulness

  • Let's Celebrate Random Acts of Kindness

    March 2, 2025 - Justice

    M-Lamentations 4-5; Psalm 75:6-10

    T-Ezekiel 1-4; Psalm 76:1-6

    W-Ezekiel 5-8; Psalm 76:7-12

    Th-Ezekiel 9-12; Psalm 77:1-6

    F-Ezekiel 13-15; Psalm 77:7-12

    Sa-Ezekiel 16-17; Psalm 77:13-20

    Su-Ezekiel 18-20; Psalm 78:1-8

    March 9, 2025 - Restoration

    M-Ezekiel 21-22; Psalm 78:9-16

    T-Ezekiel 23-24; Psalm 78:17-24

    W-Ezekiel 25-27; Psalm 78:25-31

    Th-Ezekiel 28-30; Psalm 78:32-39

    F-Ezekiel 31-33; Psalm 78:40-49

    Sa-Ezekiel 34-36; Psalm 78:50-64

    Su-Ezekiel 37-39; Psalm 78:65-72

    March 16, 2025 - Repentance

    M-Ezekiel 40-42; Psalm 79:1-7

    T-Ezekiel 43-45; Psalm 79:8-13

    W-Ezekiel 46-48; Psalm 80:1-7

    Th-Daniel 1-3; Psalm 80:8-15

    F-Daniel 4-6; Psalm 80:16-19

    Sa-Daniel 7-9; Psalm 81:1-5

    Su-Daniel 10-12; Psalm 81:6-12

    March 23, 2025 - Responsibility

    M-Hosea 1-7; Psalm 81:13-16

    T-Hosea 8-14; Psalm 82

    W-Joel; Psalm 83:1-8

    Th-Amos 1-5; Psalm 83:9-18

    F-Amos 6-9; Psalm 84:1-7

    Sa-Obediah, Jonah; Psalm 84:8-12

    Su-Micah, Nahum; Psalm 85:1-7

    March 30, 2025 - Accountability

    M-Habakkuk, Zephaniah; Psalm 85:8-13

    T-Haggai; Psalm 86:1-7

    W-Zechariah 1-7; Psalm 86:8-13

    Th-Zechariah 8-14; Psalm 86:13-17

    F-Malachi; Psalm 87

    Sa-Matthew 1:1-2:18; Psalm 88:1-9

    Su-Matthew 2:19-4:25; Psalm 88:10-18

     March Dates to Remember

    Communion—First Sunday after worship service.

    The Fasting Flyer will be given on the last Sunday of the month, in order that you may have the information for the first Sunday of the next month.

    Van Ministry—If you would like a ride to church on Sunday morning, you will need to contact the church no later than 1:00pm on Wednesday before that Sunday. The number to call is (513)542 2798.

    Missionary Society Annual Day – Sunday, March 9, 2025. You are welcome to wear yellow and white in support of them.

    Youth and Young Adult Outing, Saturday March 8, 2025, please see flyer for details.

    The Youth and Young Adults are preparing for the Easter Program for 2025, if you are interested in being a part of it, please see Sis. Brandy Murray.

    On Saturday March 15th, New Life Missionary Baptist Church will host Quarterly Leadership Development in Collaboration with the Collective Empowerment Group, a Ministry & Marketplace organization in which we are members.

    Take advantage of this FREE Development Session on Identify Your Leadership Style. Knowing your social style helps with friendships, marriages, leadership, parenting and more! All are welcome!

    You have to take a pre assessment before attending so, Sign up today!

    The Pastor and church have been invited to worship wit 2nd Corinthians Baptist Church, 934 Marion Avenue, Cincinnati 45229, Saturday, March 15, 2025, at 12:30pm. Pastor Rick Hardy, for their 12th Pastoral Anniversary. Theme: “It’s A Faith Thing” Hebrews 12:1

    ALL New Life graduating seniors, please complete the Scholarship Application as soon as possible.

    The deadline is May 31, 2025. If you are interested in purchasing a brick as part of the Memorial Garden, the deadline has been

    extended to July 6, 2025.

    March Birthdays

    Esther Clements –March 9

    Deacon Robert Jones—March 6

    Lou Mason—March 6

    Kathy Anderson—March 19

    Wanda Butler—March 22

    Deacon Raymond Butler—March 26

    Ramona Kennedy—March 27

    Hazel Clemons—March 30

    Ciera Jones—March 31

    Jeylend Kitchen—March 31

     A  Word from Pastor Garrett

    From Pastor’s Desk

    Galatians 5:22-23: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control…”

    We tend to equate “happiness” with joy, but they are two totally different ideas because they each spring from a different source. One comes from the world around me. The other originates directly from the Spirit of the Living God. Happiness is conditioned by and often dependent upon what is

    “happening” to me. If people treat me good, if things are going well in my life, then I’m happy. If my circumstances aren’t favorable, then I’m unhappy – that describes me as I was flying over the back of that dangerous dragon!

    Joy, on the other hand, throbs throughout Scripture as a profound, compelling quality of life that transcends the events and disasters which may dog God’s people. Joy is a divine dimension of living that is not shackled by circumstances. The Hebrew word means, “to leap or spin around with pleasure.” In the New Testament the word refers to “gladness, bliss and celebration.”

    If we want to see this fruit ripen in our lives, we desperately need the Holy Spirit to prune away whatever it is that hinders our joy and then empower us to make some choices that move us closer to a lifestyle of rejoicing.

    Let’s look at three common joy stealers that often give us long faces:

    1. Discontentment I’m convinced that a spirit of discontentment can rob many of us of joy. Listen to how Paul discovered the secret of being content with what God had given him in Philippians 4:12: “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.”

    2. Drama unresolved- When someone’s offense against us occupies our mental and emotional attention, we have little left over for the Lord. Anger clouds the eyes of our heart and obscures our view of God, draining away our joy. Hebrews 12:14-15 challenges us to not allow relational ruptures to fester because bitterness can set in: “Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. See to it that no one trouble and defile many.”

    3. Guilt can gut your joy faster than anything I know. Sin can send joy far away. David understood this very well when he attempted to ignore the promptings of the Spirit. Psalm 32:1-5: “Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man whose sin the LORD does not count against him and in whose spirit is no deceit. When I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long. For day and night your hand was heavy upon me; my strength was sapped as in the heat of summer. Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, ‘I will confess my transgressions to the LORD’ — and you forgave the guilt of my sin.”

    Rev. Donald E. Garrett

    Contact us at:


    Church: (513)542-2798

    Pastor’s office: (513)542-0989

    To give online, please use the GIVELIFY app.


    Donald E. Garrett, Jr., Senior Pastor

    New Life Missionary Baptist Church

    6434 Simpson Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45224

    Pastor Donald E. Garrett, Jr


    Luther Black

    Lou Mason

    Colleen Butler


    “I was sick, and you visited me.” –Matthew 25:36

    Etta Spencer

    Lily Murphy Lewis

    Thomas Likely

    Janice Denise Chapple

    George Laws

    Ann Buckner

    Anne Edwards

    Cora Norwood

    Daryl Russell

    Barbara Graves

    Renee Taylor

    Minister Odie Bowers

    Lonetta Dorsett

    Bobbie Laws

    Harold Abernathy

    Monroe Nickles

    Minister Sidney Frazier

    Kathy Toney

    Please pray for one another, as well as those that are bereaving. 


    Be a part of Church History! Purchase a brick to be placed in our Memorial Graden, near the bulletin board at the front of the church. This 4” x 8” brick paver will be a lasting memory for generations for you, your family, loved ones and your business. Bricks may include names, dates, scripture, or special acknowledgements. Your 4” x 8” brick paver is allocated 3 lines

    of data, not to exceed 20 characters per line. Your cost for this lasting memory is $100.

    Any questions, please contact Bro. Stan Thompson at (770)789-5971 or George Shelton (513)485-9953. The church number is (513)542-2798.

    The deadline for purchasing a brick is Sunday, July 6, 2025.  

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