Secondary Title

Sunday School Department

What is Sunday School all about?  Come Join Us  Sunday Morning at 9:00  Am on  Zoom Meeting

1. Sunday School is a place and time where God's children learn they are loved by God and the people of God through the warm fellowship and inviting and creative study of the Bible.

2. Sunday School is the place where we teach Bible stories to student in such memorable and positive ways that they become life-long lessons unfolding their meaning as the student grows, -drawing them closer to God and the people of God.

3. Sunday School is a creative, inviting course of basic training for young Christians --learning about God's love, God's plan, and God's expectations of his people.

The Goal of Sunday School


1. Raising up children in the knowledge of the Bible and love of God and become full participants in congregational life.


2. Surrounding children with a faith family that knows them, cares for them, and continues to share with them.


3. Providing them with a basic understanding of most of the major stories of the Bible, and, the story of Jesus.